Path:okDatasheet > Poluvodički tablični > Motorola Datasheet > Motorola-233

N MC74HC160N MC74LCX573DT MTY100N10E MC100H602FN LM339N MCM6926AWJ10 S2800D MOC3041 MC68HC000FN12 MC68008 MPX700ASX MC145076D SC41343DW MBR2080CT MOC2A60-10 1N5366B MC74HC390N SN74LS249DW MC74F803J SN74LS158N MC74HC161AN MCM67Q709AZP10 SN54LS162AJ MC79L12BD 1N5310 SN54LS157J MC74

Motorola Datasheets Katalog-233

Dio Br.ProizvođačApplication
MC74LCX38SD MotorolaLow-voltage CMOS quad 2-input NAND gate, open drain
MC10216FN MotorolaHigh speed triple line receiver
MC74HC160N MotorolaPresettable counters
MC74LCX573DT MotorolaLow-voltage CMOS octal transparent latch
MTY100N10E MotorolaTMOS E-FET power field effect transistor
MC100H602FN Motorola9-bit latch TTL/ECL translator
LM339N MotorolaQuad single supply comparator
MCM6926AWJ10 Motorola128K x 8 bit fast static random access memory
S2800D MotorolaSilicon controlled rectifier
MOC3041 MotorolaZero-cross optoisolators triac driver output, IFT = 15 mA max
MC68HC000FN12 MotorolaMicroprocessor, 16-/ 32-bit data and address registers, 16-Mbyte direct addressing range, memory-mapped input/output (I/O), 14 addressing modes, 12MHz
MC68008 Motorola16-bit microprocessor with 8-bit data bus.
MPX700ASX Motorola700 KRA uncompensated silicon pressure sensor
MC145076D MotorolaStereo audio FIR smoothing filter
SC41343DW MotorolaEncoder and decoder pair
MBR2080CT MotorolaPower rectifier
MOC2A60-10 MotorolaPower OPTO isolator
1N5366B Motorola5 watt surmetic 40 silicon zener diode
MC74HC390N MotorolaDual 4-stage binary ripple counter with-2 and-5 sections
SN74LS249DW MotorolaBCD-to-seven-segment decoder/driver
MC74F803J MotorolaClock driver quad D-type flip-flop
SN74LS158N MotorolaQuad 2-input multiplexer
MC74HC161AN MotorolaPresettable counters
MCM67Q709AZP10 Motorola128K x 9 bit separate I/O synchronous fast static RAM
SN54LS162AJ MotorolaBCD decade counter/4-bit binary counter
MC79L12BD MotorolaThree-terminal low current negative voltage regulator
1N5310 MotorolaCurrent regulator diode
SN54LS157J MotorolaQuad 2-input multiplexer
MC74HC573AN MotorolaOctal 3-state noninverting transparent latch
MCM72CF32SG66 Motorola256KB and 512KB burstRAM secondary cache module for pentium

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