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- LM3812M-7.0
Precision current gauge IC with ultra low loss sense element and PWM output, sense +/-7A - DAC-08Q
8-Bit digital-to-analog converters, non-linearity=+/-0.19% - JM38510R76302SE
4-Bit Binary Counter, Asynchronous Reset - LM9648HEADBOARD
Color CMOS Image Sensor SXGS 18 FPS - LM2940CSX-9.0
1A Low Dropout Regulator - LM1086CS-5.0
1.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators - LM120H-15/883
Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators - LP2986IMM-5.0
Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage Regulator - LM6181IMX
100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier - LM117HMDA
3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator - NSC800E-3M
High-performance low-power CMOS microprocessor, 3.0 MHz - MM5452V
Liquid Crystal Display Drivers - LM4663MT
2.5 W Stereo Class D Audio Power Amplifier - DS14C88N
QUAD CMOS Line Driver - 5962-8958701EA
1A Low Dropout Regulator - DAC1232LCWMX
DAC1208/DAC1209/DAC1210/DAC1230/DAC1231/DAC1232 12-Bit, Microprocessor Compatible, Double Buffered D/A Converter - LM2677S-12
SIMPLE SWITCHER High Efficiency 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator with Sync - LM2681M6X
Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter - LM2990SX-15
Negative Low Dropout Regulator - 54F2623PMX
Inverting octal bus transceiver with 25 Ohm series resistors in the outputs. Devices shipped in 13 inches reels. - GM-180B-70
Geode Processor Integrated x86 Solution with MMX Support - 5962F8961501QHA
EIA-485/EIA-422A Differential Bus Transceivers - 54ACTQ543SDMQB
Quiet Series Octal Registered Transceiver with TRI-STATE Outputs - LM341T-15
3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulators - LMV7255M7
1.8V Low Voltage Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input - LM1036MX
Dual DC Operated Tone/Volume/Balance Circuit - JM38510/10901SG
Timer - LM2407T
Monolithic Triple 7.5 nS CRT Driver - 5962-87613012A
Dual 4-Input NAND Gate - LM4040DIZ-4.1
Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference